Wednesday, February 27, 2013


weeks 16 & 20 
So... I've been absolutely terrible at documenting this pregnancy. I thought I would be one of those prego ladies that took weekly pictures with long blog posts of everything I was feeling. I was so very wrong. I have taken a total of 3 belly shots. I failed miserably.
25 weeks
We've had some serious changes in life recently. Not only am I pregnant, Clay and I just moved up to Queen Creek from Tucson and started new jobs. We are in the process of buying a house and are hoping we can move in mid-March. I'm so excited to have a house and get everything ready for this baby girl. I've felt like with everything changing around me I haven't had that motherly "nesting" stage yet to get ready to be a mom to a REAL baby. I'm looking forward to decorating the nursery and getting settled. 

To catch up on all of the lovely stages, here's a short summary of the first 2/3 of my pregnancy.

Weeks 6-14: Not going to lie, PURE misery! I felt nauseous 24/7 and threw up every day without fail. On top of that my whole body was doing crazy uncomfortable things and I was SO tired. I started going to bed at 7:30p.m. and was still tired no matter how much sleep I got. Working full time was so difficult, especially having a job where I have to talk to people all day long. Basically the only foods I ate were toast, peanut butter sandwiches, oranges, grapes, crackers, and chicken noodle soup. I was lucky if I could eat and keep everything down! Luckily my friend Ashlee told me to get Zofran for the nausea, which made a HUGE difference. I don't know how I functioned without it.

At 12 weeks I had my first ultrasound, which was definitely one of the best days ever. It was amazing to see there was actually a baby inside me! And she was moving around so much. We saw her reach out and grab her foot with her hand and wiggle around. I wanted to stare at that screen for hours.

Somewhere in the mix of things I found out I had a cyst on my left ovary. This was the worst pain I have ever experienced. I took two trips to the emergency room because of the pain. My ovary twisted but thankfully untwisted itself so I didn't have to have surgery. It's getting better now and have had no problems since. Thank goodness!

Week 15: I got the flu. It was totally poopy. I couldn't take any medicine except Tylenol and lemon honey tea... which is gross. So yeah, I wanted to die. I lost 5 more pounds.

Weeks 16 - Present: Feeling completely better! Wahoo! I got my energy back and food finally became appetizing. I definitely got too excited about that because I am seriously getting fatter by the second. I want to eat ALL. THE. TIME. And unfortunately I crave the fattiest foods known to man. My current top favorites have been Filiberto's bean and cheese burritos or shredded beef tacos. I also never pass up a Wendy's chocolate frosty when available.

All in all, I am so excited to meet this little girl. It is so fun to lay in bed and feel her doing ultimate punches and kicks, and to see my belly get bigger and bigger. In just a few more months she'll actually be here!

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