Friday, June 28, 2013

c section

I want to sit down and write posts about our new baby girl's arrival, so we'll start from a couple days before she arrived .....

So for a while I had known that our baby was breech. I didn't really want a C-section so I was trying all of the tricks to get this baby to turn.  I was seeing my uncle who is a chiropractor weekly getting a special adjustment to help her turn. I was also always on my hands and knees with my bum in the air with hopes she'd flip!

A couple weeks before she was born I found out that not only was she breech, she was in the frank breech position, which means both feet were up by her face. This is the hardest position for babies to get out of and turn, so I knew the chances of me having a normal delivery were very slim, but I still kept at all of my little baby-turning exercises.

On May 30th I had my 38 week appointment with my doctor. She was still indeed frank breech and was measuring very small. In my mind I thought this meant that I was going to be overdue.... I just thought, "small baby needs lots more time to grow..." haha, I was very wrong. My Dr. got quiet and was looking at his little scheduling planner for a couple minutes (which seemed like a year), and finally said something along the lines of : "Over the past few weeks your baby hasnt grown very much, and at this point she is not doing any good staying inside. She will be able to get the nutrients she needs outside of the womb. I can schedule a c-section for tomorrow, but wouldn't wait longer than Tuesday." (it was thursday).

When I heard the words TOMORROW, I FREAKED out! Was I sick of being pregnant...? absolutely. Had I been complaining to Clay every night about wanting to get the baby out ASAP...? yes. But was I really ready to have a baby tomorrow?? I don't know haha. I probably sounded like a lunatic to my doctor because I was trying to postpone the c-section date further back "so that family could be there." He kind of looked at me like I was crazy because labor is obviously not predictable.. so why would I wait longer for family arrangements. ? . I don't know I was just crazy.  I asked him if I could talk it over with my husband and call back later that day to schedule it.

Sooo still freaking out I tried calling Clay at work, and of course he didn't answer!! So I called my mom.  I finally realized that I should just get the c-section sooner rather than later. I figured that Saturday would be the best day for everyone.  My mom planned to head up Saturday & I finally got a hold of Clay who said that Saturday was good!  We were both so nervous and excited! I was going to have a baby in TWO days!! craziest feeling ever, especially when I thought I had a couple more weeks before I would meet this little gal.

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