Wednesday, January 11, 2012


so my new years resolution is what everyone else's in the universe is: to be healthier.

Everyday I say, "okay... TODAY IS THE DAY".  But crappy stuff happens... like I'm running late for work so I missed breakfast, and right when I get in someone has a box of fresh doughnuts from the bakery in my face.  And then I get to the breakroom and there are more doughnuts + candy and oreos. I come home and look in my cabinets. I remember how badly I need to go grocery shopping because all we have is macaroni, dehydrated mashed potatoes and frozen french fries & burritos. (really nice... I'm a great wife can't you tell?) So clay comes home and surprises me with pizza. 

what the #%@! i'm hopeless. 

My true goal is to start after we move. I've been putting off shopping for that reason... because who wants to pack up a full fridge/pantry?.  . . gaah. We'll see. I guess we're eating potatoes AND french fries for dinner. 


Kami said...

Oh man, we had that same problem when we were about to move! So don't worry, you're not alone. Where are you guys moving to?

Wendy Darling said...

haha thanks, its good to know I'm not alone!
We are now off of Thornydale & Linda Vista.