Friday, February 4, 2011

4 for you Glenn CoCo, you go Glenn CoCo

It's friggin COLD in AZ. Maybe we're wimps. . . But all I'm hearing about is no gas (which = no heat), frozen pipes (which = no water)... (which all in all = pure misery).
Clay and I are pretty lucky though, we've got water AND heat hahah. But we still think it's cold.

This crazy desert blizzard (maybe not really a blizzard) resulted in snuggling in my body suit/long john Christmas PJ's while watching Patch Adams and drinking hot chocolate :]


Diana said...

Awesome pj's!!! We are COLD too! but we are blessed with heat and water! Hot chocolate sounds delish!

Jocelyn Shaver said...

OH JOY TO MEAN GIRLS QUOTES! haha. Can I just say I love you onezy? Like I have always wanted one.... you look super duper hott in it. The hot coa looks delicious! Miss you! :)

dustin and amy said...

Oh, you guys are such cute newlyweds! I just watched your honeymoon video with the little girls and they loved it! Miss H kept saying, "Play, Play".

Van and Rhonda said...

Love the jamies Miss Wendy! You guys are the cutest couple ever! I miss you like crazy and can't wait to come see you. Gotta get well first! Been pretty sick with this nasty cold! Love you guys to pieces!