It's friggin COLD in AZ. Maybe we're wimps. . . But all I'm hearing about is no gas (which = no heat), frozen pipes (which = no water)... (which all in all = pure misery).
Clay and I are pretty lucky though, we've got water AND heat hahah. But we still think it's cold.

This crazy desert blizzard (maybe not really a blizzard) resulted in snuggling in my body suit/long john Christmas PJ's while watching Patch Adams and drinking hot chocolate :]
Awesome pj's!!! We are COLD too! but we are blessed with heat and water! Hot chocolate sounds delish!
OH JOY TO MEAN GIRLS QUOTES! haha. Can I just say I love you onezy? Like I have always wanted one.... you look super duper hott in it. The hot coa looks delicious! Miss you! :)
Oh, you guys are such cute newlyweds! I just watched your honeymoon video with the little girls and they loved it! Miss H kept saying, "Play, Play".
Love the jamies Miss Wendy! You guys are the cutest couple ever! I miss you like crazy and can't wait to come see you. Gotta get well first! Been pretty sick with this nasty cold! Love you guys to pieces!
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