Anyone who knows me, knows I love doughnuts. I purchased a t-shirt in seventh grade that reads, "donuts, it's best for dinner" and still wear it to this day. (maybe not in public... Strangers don't need to know how big of a fatty I am.)
proof: me on valentines day 2010 ...Don't ask.
Anywho, Clay and I made some doughnuts the other night.... regrettably we made them before we ate dinner. And we made about 20, resulting in doughnuts for dinner. I must say, they were delicious and I would totally recommend these easy desserts. However, I would not recommend snarfing down 6+ doughnuts in one sitting like we did. :/ yikes.

This excited, hungry smile was gone about 20 minutes after consuming an extremely unhealthy amount of these suggary/fried sweets.
Those pictures made me go back about 20 years! You kiddos used to LOVE when I made those kind of donuts! YUM YUM! You both are so dang cute! Love you to pieces
Um hi remember that one time when I really really really liked to read your blog!? You and clay and the cutest married couple ever!! :) It looks like ya'll are having such a good time!! You need to come to Mesa soon! :)) cause that is where i am, you can also bring me some of those doughnuts too they look deeeelicious! :)
Ahhhh, the memories! Homemade donuts, LOVE them!
Oh...how I miss homemade donuts! We used to have those all the time as kids and they are divine! We used to also dip in powdered suger...oh man I think I need to make those right now!!
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