Thursday, April 7, 2011


Since Clay and I have been working there have been a few nights where we work total opposite schedules, I work early mornings and he works late at night. Three nights ago I was heading to the closet to start hanging up my nasty pile of laundry... but became instantly distracted by our big plastic bin of Clay's mission keepsakes (I am easily distracted when considering hanging laundry). My first intensions were to read some letters that I wrote him, because I knew they were on top... but what also happened to be on top were his journals.... which I had never read :). This was by far too exciting to read my letters or go back to my efforts in hanging clothes. So I sat in my bed and started reading. & I am such a baby because I cried SO much hahaa. I loved every minute of it and it took me back to those two years we were apart. That experience is so easy to forget about now that we're together again. And then I remembered--It was SO hard, but obviously worth it. He wrote all about his wonderful learning experiences, and then always wrote something to me too. Sometimes there would be journal entries just for me. When I first realized this, I was like, "What the heck!!? When was he planning on showing this to me???" Half the journal has me in it! hahaa. It was amazing though. It made me start reading mine from that time and it's so funny to compare entries. Some days we would write almost the exact same things about each other and how we couldn't wait to be married.
I can't believe we ARE married. Reading that reminded me how special marriage is. It's easy to take for granted when you get used to it. Not that I am some old married hag... it's only been 3 months... ;)

this was a "candy heart love story" he sent me on his mission. I am a hypocrit as of my last blog entry... but I couldn't get the picture big enough for it to be legible, so this way it can be clicked on to make it bigger. I remember wanting to DIE when I saw it. (Die because it's so cute haha) Sorry for his mushy post, Clay. Don't hate me for embarassing you on the world wide web :)


dustin and amy said...

You guys are cute. Don't ever forget to look back and remember why you are together. After 13 years, it still works and I love him even more!!!!

Van and Rhonda said...

This really warms a mom's heart to know that her daughter-in-law is SO in love with her son! I love you Wendy and I am so glad you are party of our family! We are so blessed to have you! Clay is one lucky man! Love you both to pieces!